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Tail Language 꼬리언어학


Choreographed by Bora KIM


·  8 dancers

·  45 min.

·  Premiered : 2014. 03. / Daehakro Arts Theater, Seoul, Korea



2019.11 Bora Bora Theatre / Aarhus, Denmark

2019.08 OPEN LOOK International Festival / St.Petersburg, Russia

2019.07 Art Project BORA & GUESTS / Seoul, Korea

2019.05 Uptown Moves / Toronto, Cananda

2019.02 Staatstheater Darmstadt / Darmtstadt, Germany

2018.08 On-Stage, John F. Kennedy Performing Center / Washington D.C, USA

2018.07 CROSS Festival / Verbania, Italy

2018.06 Potsdamer Tanztage / Potsdam, Germany

2017.11 CCDF – Hot Pot / Hong Kong

2017.06 INAE / Auditorio Nacional del Sodre, Montevideo, Uruguay

2017.05 ABC Danca Festival / CCSP, SP, Brasil

2016.10 Multi-Arts Project MMCA x KNCDC Performance / MMCA, Seoul, Korea

2016.08 Seoul Educators Workshop with Lincoln Center Institute / Seoul, Korea

2016.07 Changmoo International Performing Arts Festival / Seoul, Korea

2015. 10. Seoul Arts Market PAMS CHOICE / DongSoong Arts Center, Seoul, Korea

2015. 10. Festival Internacional Cervantino / Teatro Principal & Teatro Pablo de Villavicencio, Mexico

2016. 07. Changmu International Performing Arts Festival

2016. 08. Seoul Educators Workshop with Lincoln Center Institute, Korea

2016. 10. Collaboration project with Installation artist by MMCA (National Museum of Modern Contemporary Art)



‘Tail Language’  is satirizing the hypocritical culturalism and the analytical error of human

language through movements that is motivated by symbolic system of tail language and gesture from animals in imagination. It aims to breakaway from body and language through process of dismantle and recombine from structural and semiotics such as the line and planes, or the intersection of lines and shapes.


This work is a process that reveals the language of body, which is more primitive and lucid that text and words. It is a small but important attempt to discover “truth” in the opposite side of the social dialogue and relationships concealed by hypocrisy and superficial intellectualism.


Cats use tail language to express their emotions, and that became the motif. Animals have their own ways of saying things, and I thought maybe humans are also able to have instinctual communication with our bodies. limits set by language twist communication and create boundaries, and this works speaks to my desire to overcome the limitation of language by focusing on the bodily language.


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Tail Language2018_by Elise Scheider1.jpg
Tail Language2018_by Elise Scheider2.jpg

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